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Monday, August 17, 2009

local dns filter

ada yg udah coba blom dns terfilter (memblokir domain/situs negatif).
buat yg blom tau:

  • http://nawala.org/?page_id=8
secara fungsi hampir sama seperti opendns. tapi servernya lokal. jadi responnya (harusnya) lebih cepat.
otomatis memblokir situs2 pr0n, phishing dan termasuk juga menghambat akses virus/malware semacam conficker.

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ari_susilo said...

Wah perlu dicoba nich pak, bisa di infokan lebih lanjut

sanspirasi said...

Info penting ni,, Jadi internetan bisa lebih aman ..Makasih banyak infonya.

northlandz model railroad club said...

So it's perfect to protect your website from being spammed.

Best diets for belly fat said...

The charge that DNS filtering would devalue and fragment the official DNS system of the Internet is inconsistent with reality.

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