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Friday, September 12, 2008

forum detik, detikinet, tanyasaja dan blogdetik mati semua

pas mau buka forum.detikinet.com eh keluarnya 'Fedora Core Test Page' trus cobain forum.detik.com eh sama juga....
trus coba tanyasaja.detik.com eh keluarnya 403 Forbidden.
browsing-browsing eh rupanya blogdetik juga rencana bakal mati sementara...

trus gimana cara ngeblog detik ini juga!?

kok mati lagi  ya...
servernya gak kuat kali...
apa mungkin perlu managed hosting untuk menjaga performa maksimal servernya...


tips & tricks on computers and gadgets
denny on IT ; let's doIT
documenting the brain

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Google CSE + del.icio.us + Widgetbox = instant search engine

how long it takes you to build a google custom search engine? few hours? few days?
forget building one CSE. how about build a dozen CSE in minutes!
this only possible utilize my great free search engine widgets.

easy 5 step for an instant CSE

  1. choose a topic / tag you want your CSE build on. it can even your whole del.icio.us links
  2. get the rss from it
  3. paste the rss url into my Google CSE on-the-fly widgetbox
  4. test it. do your search
  5. klik on get widget
  6. there's no number 6. that's it. you got your very own customized search engine.
 few examples:
now. build your own search engines instantly. not one or two.... build a dozen and tell me how long it takes...

tips & tricks on computers and gadgets
denny on IT ; let's doIT
documenting the brain
